Any tax advice in the presented herein is not intended or written by use to be used, and cannot be used, for the purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed by any governmental taxing authority or agency, or promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party.
Any information from third party sources presented herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. It is not possible to give comprehensive financial advice online, as individual circumstances cannot be taken into account. This blog isn’t meant to offer you legal or tax advice.
Any and all information displayed herein are general, and do not take into account any individual’s or entity’s specific state of affairs nor applicable governing law, which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and subject to change.
You are responsible for consulting your own tax advisor, as tax law is subject to changes, at times on a retroactive basis. The outcome of these changes may be additional taxes, penalties or interest. Should the facts provided to us be incorrect or incomplete or should the law or its interpretation change, our advice may be not be valid. We are not responsible for updating our advice for changes in law or interpretation after the date hereof.